Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Dezi Playing at School

Dezi has been at school now for a few months and has progressively done better each month. What is exciting is that he is doing a lot better with his bottle feedings. Dezi reached a new mile marker taking a full 6 ounce feeding the other afternoon. Also, he has consistently been doing better with taking at least a couple of 4 ounce feedings each day.

He had his 4 month check up this past week. and another round of shots. This time around he did a lot better with managing the pain. It always hurts our heart to see him cry by someone inflicting pain but in all he did very well. Dezi weighed at 14.8 pounds and measured 25.5 inches long. He continues to be in the 50th percentile on the growth charts.

Here is Dezi playing at school with a fellow playmate this past week. They all seem to play well together at this age.


Hillary said...

I'm so glad he's doing well at school. What a sweet picture!

PS, Dezi out-eats Ruby. She topped out at 4 oz per feeding.