Sunday, August 30, 2009

Longest Nap Ever

Dezi does really well taking naps after a nice walk but today he has been asleep for a good 2 hours. It amazes me how he likes to be outside. It must be really relaxing for him.
Sent via Jose's personal BlackBerry

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Long Time Waiting...

It has been a long time waiting for me to get some really good material together for the blog. I have not been doing very well with keeping the blog updated but these pictures are worth the wait as far as I am concerned. Today was the first day Dezi had cereal! A milestone to be recorded and documented. We documented with pictures. We felt that Dezi was more interested in his bib than he was the cereal eating experience. We hope that he will be more interested in the next couple of days.
The pictures are of Dezi playing in his jumper right before feeding time (Another must have piece of equipment for Melissa).

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Quick Update and Some New Photo's

Dezi is doing well and so is mama and papi. We have seen new changes recently with the introduction of Dezi grabbing any and everything in sight. He is also laughing more each day
during play time. He talks to us in the morning but we just wish we knew what he was trying to say. He loves being outside with
us and enjoys his stroller rides around the neighborhood. Enjoy some new pics. I have some additions of the professional
pictures Melissa had done and a few from our
digital cam of Dezi around the house.