Today was a crazy day to say the least. It was amazing but started off pretty rough. We left to go to the hospital this morning by calling our doctor. He was not available so we got a returned from his "on call" physician. He said, "Sorry but St. Lukes South is full. We are going to have to send you to Shawnee Mission Med." We did not pre-register at Shawnee Med and the drama begain. I was so frustrated but knew we had to get to the hospital. When we arrived at the hospital they needed us to fill out paper work. We had contractions for the past hour and a half at less than three minutes apart. I told the administrative help someone else needs to fill it out because we are in labor. 
We got to our room at 6:30am and we find out that neither of our doctors were going to be available. We got a doctor that we didn't know but she got the job done and we were very happy with her. Melissa dilated to a 7 before taking an epideral. After that things started to move pretty quickly. At least it seemed that way. I was on an adrinaline rush roller coaster as I pounded down a couple of 16 oz. Monster drinks. It did the trick. It was an exciting event. He arrived at 3:16 this afternoon. Dezi was 6lbs. 10oz. and 18.75 inches long. Seeing him born was the most amazing thing I have ever seen.
We are resting now and having Dezi's vitals checked. He is doing well. Breast feeding has been a challenge and I pray he is getting what he needs when he is being fed. I totally understand how women quit and go to formula. I have been doing what I can to support Melissa but I find myself getting frustrated and I'm not actively feeding him. I can't wait until he takes and he is actually getting what he needs.
I'm hoping we have a good night.
He's so gorgeous-and Melissa looks great!!
Keep being supportive of breastfeeding-that's what is best for him and the roughest time for it is the first 3-5 days. He'll be much more motivated to latch on and eat once he is actually getting something out! Ruby was the same way at first-you'll get there, remember that he AND Melissa are both very new at this and it just takes practice.
If it's any consolation, I pre-registered and then they still pounded me with questions (as I was having contraction on top of contraction) to enter the SAME information into the computer in my room. It was awful.
He's beautiful-Congrats Mom & Dad!
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