Monday, March 9, 2009

Dezi Learning to Swim

Dezi is yet to make his appearance. He has mastered swimming in the womb.


Anonymous said...

Hey Joe! (no Hendrix pun intended)
I know what this waiting period feels like. I'm sure you've been thinking about everything, wondering if you can handle it, etc. etc... You and Melissa will do great!

Things I've learned as a dad:

1.Be patient with your son as he grows up.
2. Never let a day go by without letting him know how much you love him. 3. Let him see how much you love Melissa. 4. Almost anything that he will break can be replaced - if it can't - put it away! - If you dont, it's your fault.
5. If you get mad at him, let him know why and what you expect. 6. Have realistic expectations. 7. Try to remember how you felt at his age. 8. Never forget that he will look up to you - so act accordingly. 9. Time goes by quickly, use it wisely and make it memorable.
10. We're all learning as we go - it's ok to make mistakes.

Mr. and Mrs. Valenciano said...

Bill, that is great advice!