Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Some Good Sleep Today

I would have to say today was a good day. At least it was better than the previous nights. Dezi slept well last night. We had only a couple of changes in the middle of the night. It was also a good day as we took him out with us to Baby's R Us to get him a swing. Hopefully this will allow us to put him in it during the day so that we may roam about the house and do some chores and eat.
Tomorrow is another day and this week has seemed to go by so quick. I'm really not looking forward to leaving mom and baby and go back to work. I feel like I'm going to be missing out on something why they get to eat and sleep all day. Tomorrow our plans are for another bath. I need one myself as we had a diaper malfunction today while Dezi was sleeping. I got a little wet but no harm done. Just added the shirt to the wash with all of the other dirty little man cloths.


Lizbeth said...

So GLAD to hear everything went well! You are going to notice big improvements in the next couple days... Believe it or not, things will get better.

Hillary said...

Ha!! Ruby pooped on me almost every time I changed her in the middle of the night her first week home!!

I hope he likes his swing- Ruby isn't a huge fan of hers..

Anastasia said...

Hey Melissa!! Congratulations. He's beautiful!