I think it is day three now. All I can say is this kid is a eating machine. He is eating around the clock. Which is good and we couldn't be happier about it. Tonight is our first night alone with Dezi. Grandma went back home today. Melissa is missing her mom already and I can't blame her. It worked very well to have 6 hands changing diapers. I can say my two hands were on every diaper but one. Dezi's other grandma came over today to visit and Melissa got a couple of additional things done today with her spending time with Dezi. Did I mention I am sleepy because I'm not sure if it is day 2 or 3. 
I think it is day three because today was our check up day at the pediatricians office. It went really well. Dezi had lost 3% of his 6lbs. and 10oz. at the hospital before we left. Since then he has gained all of it back. I was actually really surprised. We had some issues with feeding the first couple of days but I am amazed he is continuing to get enough from his mom. I am hoping he will continue to progress and we won't have to supplement any of his feeding. It is possible that it could happen though and I am mentally prepared. I'm not sure if mom is because she has her mind set on natures nourishment.
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