Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thank You for Your Thoughts and Prayers

Today is Dezi's due date. I'm not convinced he will be coming soon but it is inevitable. Melissa will have an appointment tomorrow and we should have an update on what will be the next steps if she does not go into labor in the next 24 hours. I will keep everyone posted as I will have the laptop with me. Maybe Melissa will allow me to report directly from the hospital and then possibly get some pictures out right away.
I wanted to thank you all for your continued thoughts and prayers. We feel very blessed to have everyone giving us support and love.
Stay tuned!


Hillary said...

I was so miserable at the end that I seriously thought I would probably be pregnant for a few more years-it was awful.

If she's had pressure, I bet she's made some more progress-she told me that she was 90% effaced and that's the HARDEST part! So the more she gets out of the way now, the easier labor will be..and probably quick too.

I can't wait to meet him-he's already loved very much. We're praying for a safe and happy delivery.