Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Dezi's Second Day at Home

Dezi's second day at home was pretty good. Melissa has done well with minimal to no sleep at all. She is feeding about every 2 hours and I am change a diaper about every 3 hours with the assistance of Grandma Sara. It takes a number of hands to change a diaper on a little boy who has to have a new dressing applied to his boy parts after every dirty diaper. I think frequent diaper changes is a sign he is getting what he needs from mom. Melissa slept in the reclining glider last night and I slept on the floor in the nursery. It was fine for the first night but I hope we are not going to make it a habit.

Dezi got his first bath today and he did really well. We thought that if we gave him a bath, got him worked up, and then fed him then he would be really tired and he would sleep for awhile (NOT!). Melissa tried to lay down with him in the bed and I was to sleep on the sofa. Dezi was up within 5 minutes and Melissa moved to the reclining glider and he was just fine. I am about 90% sure I will be on the floor, sleep deprived, and waiting to change a diaper. I have turned into a zombie. I keep reminding myself of all the sleepless nights I went through in college. Trust me when I tell you I had 5 weeks, 6 days, 23 hours, 36 minutes, and 11 seconds of absolute sleep deprivation and mad chaos. So I do have some point of reference.

I'm working on getting more pictures of the boy on here as time goes on. I'm also going to be working on trying to get some video down loaded as well. It is difficult to get a lot done with a newborn keeping you from the computer. Also, I would rather be sleeping right now.


Lizbeth said...

I remember... the first days at home were hard for us. It was a BIG adjustment for everybody but after couple weeks we were just fine so hang in there!! Call us if you need anything!

Natalie said...

We made the same assumption with the bath idea and Brynn ended up fully awake until well past midnight. Never again that close to bed . . .

Hillary said...

Some things that helped Roo were swaddling tightly(though she was over that phase at two weeks old), bath and little lotion massage right before bed, and knowing that I was near (hand on her belly or something).

It takes awhile to get into a routine--you'll get it!

He's so precious-call us if you need anything!